“Dental Health Department of Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Semarang have two study programs. They are, Diploma III Dental Health and Applied Bachelor of Oral Health Therapist.
In the academic culture of the dental health department, we have three dharmas of higher education, namely education and teaching, research and community service.
And we have elements of the academic community, which consist of students, lecturers, education staff and alumni.
The holding of this international seminar is a form of our responsibility in creating an academic atmosphere that supports improving the quality of oral health services to the public during the new normal period of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In today’s International Webinar, we would learn the update knowledge, skills, and innovations about how to delivery the quality oral health service during the new normal period of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time improving the skills of oral health therapists, in order to provide services that are guaranteed quality, guaranteed safety for both patients and health workers. Today’s our agenda is to focus on the efforts to increase knowledge and skills provide the best service for the community in maintaining the oral health”.
“Departemen Kesehatan Gigi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang memiliki dua program studi. Mereka adalah, Diploma III Kesehatan Gigi dan Sarjana Terapan Terapis Kesehatan Mulut.
Dalam budaya akademik jurusan kesehatan gigi, kita memiliki tiga dharma perguruan tinggi yaitu pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
Dan kami memiliki unsur civitas akademika yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, dosen, tenaga kependidikan dan alumni.
Penyelenggaraan seminar internasional ini merupakan bentuk tanggung jawab kami dalam menciptakan suasana akademik yang mendukung peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut kepada masyarakat di masa new normal pandemi COVID-19.
Dalam Webinar Internasional hari ini, kita akan mempelajari pembaruan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan inovasi tentang cara memberikan layanan kesehatan mulut yang berkualitas selama periode normal baru pandemi COVID-19. Sekaligus meningkatkan keterampilan terapis kesehatan gigi dan mulut, agar dapat memberikan pelayanan yang terjamin mutunya, terjamin keamanannya baik bagi pasien maupun tenaga kesehatan. Agenda kita hari ini adalah fokus pada upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi masyarakat dalam menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut”.
“The distinguished guest best on the global burden of the this is study dental and oral health problem especially dental care has affected almost half of the world populations. In Indonesia the result of the 2018 fundamental health research that the largest for pointed of the dental problem were damage cavities and six teeth for 45.3% and oral health problem were swallow gum and ulthers abcess for 14%. however only 10.2% of the 47.6% of the population with dental and oral health problem excepted dental health services. Contributing factor of this problem include lake of the our awareness relaction and this difficulty in exection of the health problem especially on the covid-19 pandemic that cause less number of visitation for the dental health services. It is a nessecary to rise the public awareness, education and collaboration in order to achieve caries free target in 2030. the distinguished guest since covid-19 pandemic has disturb the resilience of Indonesian health system, the ministry of health conduct health system transformation. It aim to accelerate the resolution of the health problem occured.
The six pillar of the transformation namely the transformation of the primary services, referral services, health resiliences system, health financing human resources for health and health technology. The implementation of the entire pillar of the transformation depend on a human resources of health. However, we also have three men challenge human resources for help facing our national sorted and even mall distribution and lake of the competency based education and training of the human resources for health.
The distinguished guest, oral and dental therapy also face the same challenge of the human resources of health challenging. The increase number of dental health services need, a greater number of the oral and the dental therapist. However the therapist are limited number uneven in distribution and need professionality and competency improvement. In order to achieve 2030 indonesia free carriers, oral and dental therapy contribute importanly to conduct promotive and preventive effort. As this ability to dental health services improvement of the health service quality and increasing the stick holder participant to oral and dental health service.
The distinguished guest, poltekkes semarang should actively participate in health system transformation with optimizing the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi and conducting education transformation. Education transformation will prepare qualified graduate to meet the needs of hard work and industry by involving professional organization. Health industry and other stakeholder in reviewing curriculum and management according to the science technology advance. Education transformation profit challenge and opportunity for development of students creativity, capacity, personality and needs as well as developing independence in seeking and finding no lets true reality and felt dynamic. As the result, oral and dental graduate will be high quality and can fulfillment the need of number and also the distribution and also a qualification”.